An excerpt from my memoir - "Embrace in Place"
As I choose which art image to post today to share with you a sneak peek into my book, it can't be any other but this piece which I painted while we were living on Fort hood in Texas in 2013. It is a painting from my series of painted houses on wood -

This day - 22 years ago changed our path as a family and similar to all who have served on this day and those who have continued to serve- the long deployments, back to back deployments, years missed, family and friends taken, lives changed, lives moved on, lives on hold, waiting for family to return, waiting for news -holding us together, mending hearts, holding on -
This day - 22 years ago is painted upon
our canvases and moves with us to each new place - and we unpack it and hang it upon our walls to reflect upon and to never forget.

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